30+ Inspiring Ramit Sethi Quotes

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Ramit Sethi is a big name in financial education. He has a Netflix show, ‘How To Be Rich,’ and runs a financial education blog where he releases courses to help people like us become financially independent with a job or side-hustle we are already doing.

Over the years, Ramit Sethi’s work has proven his credibility in the financial space, and people regard him as an expert. We have gathered popular Ramit Sethi quotes to understand his approach to problems and how he finds feasible solutions. He is quite prominent in the field of financial education.

Whenever you talk about financial education, you have to mention Ramit Sethi; otherwise, that list is incomplete.

Best Ramit Sethi Quotes (30+)

  1. “The 85 Percent Solution: Getting started is more important than becoming an expert.”
  2. “Spend extravagantly on the things you love, and cut costs mercilessly on the things you don’t.”
  3. “It’s more important to get started than to spend an exhaustive amount of time researching.”
  4. “Every failure contains valuable data that will point you in the right direction.”
  5. “The single most important factor to getting rich is getting started, not being the smartest person in the room.”
  6. “It doesn’t have to be expensive.”
  7. “Don’t try to be 40 before you’re 40. You don’t need to be A/B testing things when you only have 80 subscribers.”
  8. “Most people never realize that 80% of the work is done before you step in a room.”
  9. “You can’t win if you don’t play.”
  10. “When you are listening to someone you respect, treat their whispers like screams.”
  11. “Don’t wait. If you have something you’ve been wanting to do, this weekend is a great time to start.”
  12. “One of the greatest lies we tell ourselves is that we need more money to succeed.”
  13. “There are business opportunities all around you. Use one of the best skills an entrepreneur can have: curiosity.”
  14. “Repeat after me: you don’t need yoga, meditation, a vision board, or green juice smoothies to be successful.”
  15. “If I don’t have at least four or five failures a month, I feel like I’m not trying hard enough.”
  16. “Consistency is necessary, but it’s not sufficient to make it to a level that breaks you out in front of everyone else.”
  17. “Charging a premium amount allows me to offer a premium service.”
  18. “Part of a rich life is giving back.”
  19. “There is a limit to how much you can cut but there is no limit to how much you can earn.”
  20. “Stop talking about motivation and start changing your behavior. Behavior first. Attitude follows.”
  21. “If you’ve been thinking of starting a business and you’re still reading blog post after blog post with zero results… it’s time to make a change.”
  22. “Copywriting is the first thing people see. Not your products or customer service or academic background.”
  23. “Ramit’s book-buying rule: if you’re thinking about it, just buy it.”
  24. “In a world of infinite choice… if something is not made specifically for me? I’m gone.”
  25. “Don’t let critics and naysayers hold you back from your dreams.”
  26. “Ignore people who tell you to cut back on lattes, going out, and ever spending a cent on fun.”
  27. “If something isn’t working, don’t try harder or do more. Do something different.”
  28. “Think about the ways you can be generous.”
  29. “Most people never realize that 80% of the work is done before you step in a room.”
  30. “How do your decisions change if retirement is not an option?”
  31. “Most busy people want to mentor someone great.”
  32. “Who wins at the end of the day? The self-satisfied people who heatedly debate some obscure details? Or the people who sidestep the entire debate and get started?”
  33. “All our lives, we’ve been taught to defer to experts: teachers, doctors, and investment ‘professionals.’ But ultimately, expertise is about results.”
  34. “Make the right decisions in life and you’ll never have to worry about saving $3 a day on lattes.”
  35. “Frugality, quite simply, is about choosing the things you love enough to spend extravagantly on – and then cutting costs mercilessly on the things you don’t love.”

These quotes are not just for motivation; they are for discipline, to understand how successful people approach their problems and why they are successful.

Ramit Sethi quotes are full of valuable lessons on how to approach saving, investing, and negotiating your salary.

Interested in knowing about Ramit Sethi’s net worth? We got all the information here. Our net worth guide also shows you how he earned all that money and how long it took him to start earning millions of dollars every year.

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